
Physician Contract Negotiation and Review


Review and negotiation of physician Contracts There will come a point that you must step out of your comfortable zone and become the master of your professional career.

There will be occasions when you’ll need to talk with your employer about conditions of employment.

You need to feel adequately rewarded for your task as a doctor, however employers are required to have a budget. This is where the negotiation begins.

Below is all you need to know as you business Tips check the contract and negotiate. You could use an attorney who is a doctor to understand it better. A physician contract should include the following features and more:

Medical Responsibilities

This is an inventory of tasks that a doctor is required to perform. Be keen on these. You may have more responsibilities than you expect. For instance, you could being responsible for receiving emergency calls, even if you’re not working at work.

Knowing exactly what you are responsible for can help you determine the minimum compensation you can pay.


It is the payment for the services you provide. If this is your first contract, anticipate an ad-hoc compensation plan. This means that you will be paid a fixed salary.

However, well-known doctors may have compensation plans that are variable. That means the more clients they receive, the more their compensation will be.

Ending Provisions

The following outlines the conditions under which you can be terminated. The clause is able to be terminated for any reason. The non-cause termination implies that you are able to be dismissed for no reason.

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However, the for-cause termination will necessitate your employer to provide an acceptable reason for terminating you.

Notice Period

This is the date by which you have to have announced your departure. This allows the institution to find an individual to take your place.

Depending on the size of the business, the notice period varies. Some will require notification for a month, two months, or even a whole year.

Physician Contract Review

A contract review is quite critical. What may begin as a simple signature would ruin you careerwise ten years later.

It is highly recommended to have a contract attorney review your contract and negotiate for you.

A contract attorney does not necessarily mean that you’re not smart enough. It’s just a method of ensuring your safety.

That’s where the majority of doctors fall short. The doctors believe that these are excellent people. I have a good relationship with them and do not wish to get off to negative relations with my employer. They aren’t aware that the contract is legally binding until the time the employee is employed by the business. Let someone help you unravel the details of the contract.

Provide honest, immediate feedback

Express your thoughts and feelings about everything you’re negotiating. Be sure to communicate immediately with them regarding your thoughts and opinions, and make sure you agree. Be open to compromise. Avoid rigidity.

Prepare your Questions

There are certain things you need to be aware of. Have the questions before the meeting. Be sure that they are thoroughly business advice addressed. This way the contract you sign will be easy to adhere to.

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Your demands must be fulfilled

Provide a reason for your demands. It is impossible to persuade people to say I must make this or that agreement changed , because that’s what it is. Be convincing. Don’ts

Sign Any Letter Before Complete Negotiations

Don’t sign any documents until your satisfaction. Take your time. Even after you are done negotiations, consult your lawyer for review , as stated above.